Thursday, 12 June 2008

Weather report

Spring is being strongly influenced by ocean weather systems with patterns of westerly winds and alternating rainy and warm periods.
As soon as the fine weather arrives, temperatures go up and it gets stormy in the evenings
May was tropical, like we rarely experience it here with exceptionally high rainfall of 200 mm (20 litres per sq. m) compared to the ten-year average of 70 mm. This is ideal weather for growing bananas and is also very favourable for vine diseases such as mildew
It took nobody by surprise this year, being so early and the risk was obvious for everyone

We experienced what felt to me like a real winter this year, which lasted a proper length of time with cold weather and rain.

February was dry and the budburst was delayed by about a week. Just one really warm week was enough to kick-start the vines, then it got colder again. The traditional “giboulées windy sleet showers in March came as usual and the frost on 7 April, when temperatures went down to -2°C, was fortunately isolated and had no impact at Laroze.

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